Monday, October 31, 2011

Nothing but Motivation

Today's blog is really for myself.  TOM has hit and I did have a monster gain and I'm in an ill mood overall about my weight loss.  So, to combat that I've decided to make myself a blog post that I can come back to whenever I need motivation.

First, let's look at what I've lost:
WHAT I'VE LOST (counting down from my heaviest..249)

1 pound = a Guinea Pig (DONE)
1.5 pounds = a dozen Krispy Kreme glazed donuts (DONE)
2 pounds = a rack of baby back ribs (DONE)
3 pounds = an average human brain (DONE)
4 pounds = an ostrich egg (DONE)
5 pounds = a Chihuahua (DONE)
6 pounds = a human’s skin (DONE)
7.5 pounds = an average newborn (DONE)
8 pounds = a human head (DONE)
10 pounds= chemical additives an American consumes each year (DONE)
11 pounds = an average housecat (DONE)
12 pounds = a Bald Eagle (DONE)
15 pounds = 10 dozen large eggs (DONE)
16 pounds = a sperm whale’s brain (DONE)
20 pounds = an automobile tire (DONE)
23 pounds = amount of pizza an average American eats in a year
24 pounds = a 3-gallon tub of super premium ice cream
25 pounds = an average 2 year old
30 pounds = amount of cheese an average American eats in a year
33 pounds = a cinder block
36 pounds = a mid-size microwave
40 pounds = a 5-gallon bottle of water or an average human leg
44 pounds = an elephant’s heart
50 pounds = a small bale of hay
55 pounds = a 5000 BTU air conditioner
60 pounds = an elephant’s penis (yep, weights more than his heart!)
66 pounds = fats and oils an average American eats in a year
70 pounds = an Irish Setter
77 pounds = a gold brick
80 pounds = the World’s Largest Ball of Tape
90 pounds = a newborn calf
100 pounds = a 2 month old horse

I've lost a tire and a rack of ribs (22 lbs...not including my TOM gain)!  That's no small feat!  Have you ever lifted a tire?  Now imagine having to carry it around everyday, all day.  How the heck did I do it? lol!  Anyway, I'm glad it's gone.

                            Taken from

The thing about reaching your goal weight is that it’s 100% possible. It’s completely in your control. The only thing stopping you from getting there is you. So get out of the way.

The three above images and the quote were taken from

                                Taken from

I belong to a website called Sparkpeople.  The following are quotes I have seen on the pages of other Sparkers.

"Eat healthy foods, stop when you feel full, give yourself a treat now and again, stay hydrated, and ENJOY eating." - GAPINTHEVOID

"Running Shoes are Cheaper Than Insulin" - Anthony Reed (a book I read about on ABSOLUTZERO's page)

Ability is what you are capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it. - ZIRCADIA

"Success is the result of what you do when the Whoo Hoo is all through." - ON2VICTORY

"You can't out exercise a bad diet" - Bill Phillips from an article sent by REEKU731

This reminds me of what I am capable of.

I know I have posted this picture before, but it reminds me of the changes I have made recently.

If this page is not enough motivation for me, then I don't know what will be.  I hope you all have a great day!  Oh, and if you're curious about what Sam looks like (since I've been chatting away about him for months) check out the previous blog post!

Lady Gaga - Poker Face

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Case of the Blahs

Tonight I'm feeling very blah.  I can tell TOM will arrive tomorrow.  This leads me to the subject of weigh-in.  I hate stepping on the scale when I'm bloated.  I know the number is up because I'm bloated, but that does not mean I have to like it.  It still disappoints me.  I always post a huge gain when I'm bloated....I'm talking 3-5 lbs. 

Enough period talk lol!  This morning I tried Insanity.  I don't own the dvds.  My coworker purchased them and when he watched it (he did not do it), he decided that he needed time to mentally prepare lol!  So, he told me I could borrow the set for a few days while he gets his mind right.  I LOVED it!  I had to stop for a few seconds a couple of times, but so did the people in the video; therefore, I did not feel bad at all about stopping.  It's definitely called Insanity for a reason.  I did a 40 min crazy cardio dvd and then 16 minutes of cardio abs (which was on the same dvd).  When I finished I was pumped and wanted to do more, but I decided not to push it.  Good thing I stopped, because I woke up sore (and not quite as in love with Insanity lol).  My thighs are not very happy with me right now.  I can completely see why people get results with this program.  I was sweating within 8 minutes, and that was still the so called warm up.  Maybe I'll get to keep it longer than expected while my co-workers mentally prepares.

Now it's time for my ode to Sam.  I had my last session with him on Friday.  It was bittersweet.  I'll probably end up going back to him in December or January, but it was really hard for me to accept that I won't be seeing him twice a week anytime soon.  He's going to write me out a program to follow while I'm away.  I feel that's really kind of him.  I know I don't NEED him, but he's wonderful.  I mean it.  I really cannot say enough about how great he is.  He is so supportive and pushes me out of my comfort zone, so that I can be my best.  His belief in me makes me feel I can do anything he asks me to do, and it makes me WANT to do it.  I thank him all the time and he always says there is no need to thank him, because I'm the one doing all the work.  He's freaking fantastic.  I wish I could wrap up mini Sams and send one to all of you.
Did I mention he's super cute? lol!  Anyway, I love Sam.  He's perfect and I'm going to miss him terribly.

Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams

Thursday, October 27, 2011

It Pays to Read Labels

It is getting cooler here and for me that means a quilt, movies, and hot chocolate on my couch! 

This is exactly what I did earlier this week.  I was planted on the couch drinking my second cup of hot chocolate when I decided to read the label.  I was shocked.  First, let me say that I love hot chocolate.  I think the brand I use is absolutely the best, which is why I was on my second cup lol!  On the other hand, they range from 120-160 calories...yes...160 freaking calories for a cup of hot chocolate.  I probably have 20 of these in my pantry.  So, what's a hot chocolate addict to do?  I guess I'm just going to have a cup sporadically, because I'm not willing to give it up just yet.

Also, yesterday I did not feel like leaving the house, so it was going to be the Wii or a dvd for exercise.  I decided on a dvd.  I thought "try something you have not done in awhile."  So this led me to Tae Bo.  It's a really old dvd, but it was great!  I still can't kick like so many of the people in the video, but I got it done.  I always find it amusing when they quit (mostly the people in the back).  This dvd really kicks butt and now I remember why so many people lost weight doing Tae Bo.

My internet connection is ridiculously slow right now, so there's no song today.  I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

18 Week Measurements

I took my 18 week (really 19 weeks) measurement.  Here you go:

If I look at my progress over the last 3 weeks I am pleased.  As you can see, on 9/9/11 I weighed 231.  Well, 3 or 4 weeks ago I weighed close to 235.  So, to now be at 227.2 I’ve done a good job over the past few weeks.  With that being said, I also think about where I would be now if I had not gained and had to lose that.  There’s nothing I can do about that now, but I did want to mention it. 
Negatives (Yes, there are negatives, because I always feel I can do better):
I gained during the 6 weeks and had to lose that.
I stopped working out for 2 weeks during this 6 weeks.
Gameday Saturdays: I’m normally eating poorly and drinking mixed drinks while watching the game.  I think we all know wings or nachos and margaritas are not calorie friendly.

I’m 0.2 lbs away from 20 lbs lost since I got serious this summer.  Also, since my heaviest (249) I have lost over 20 lbs!  That’s so exciting.
I’ve gone from a tight size 18/ comfortable 20 to a size 16 that fits.  I use the word fit because I’m used to wearing oversized clothing and to me they (a pair of jeans) seem a little tight, but every single person I know says they fit the way they are supposed to.  I guess the bottom line is I don’t have to suck in to button them, I can sit with no problem, and without a belt the waist would slide down.
I lost an inch around my belly (the navel measurement) and I finally lost something (0.25 inches) around my arm.  I pay the most attention to my navel and arm measurements.  I think everyone wants a smaller tummy and I’m really not a fan of my huge arms, so I’ve been waiting and waiting for that number to go down.
I have not had fast food in awhile, so I’m cooking at home more and I’m making better choices.  I’m also better at fighting cravings or at least finding substitutes that are nutritionally better for me.
I have pretty much been drinking water only.  I would say I’m drinking water 99% of the time.  I don’t drink sodas at all anymore, but I think I’ve had the Lipton green tea once or twice.
Overall, I lost 2.5 inches and 3.8 lbs.  That’s 2.5 inches and 3.8 lbs gone over 6 weeks that I never want to see again.  So yay!  Losing anything at all is always a success to me!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

2 Years in the Making

(I originally wrote this blog on Friday, Oct. 21, 2011)
First, and most importantly, it’s time for the Dora song. I DID IT!  I DID IT! I DID IT!  YAY!  I am now in the 220s, which is the lowest weight I’ve been in over 2 years!  I’m so excited!  REALLY EXCITED!  Can’t you tell by all the exclamation marks!  Lol!  Today was not my official weigh in day, but since I was only 0.6 lbs away, I’ve been stepping on the scale every other day.  I want to celebrate, but I can’t think of a reward that does not involve food, alcohol, or money (I’m trying to spend less right now).  I am less than 3 lbs away from the lowest weight I’ve been in many many years, probably somewhere between 6-8 years.  Since that’s so close maybe I’ll save the reward for that milestone.  I’m eyeing a dress that’s on clearance for $15, and I’m thinking that might be my reward when I lose the next 3 lbs.  Yes, I know, I know…I said a reward that does not involve money.  So, this is when I need for you good people to give me other options.  I seriously cannot think of anything else.  It’s also alright for you to say “just get the dress Briana.”  Haha! 
In other news I saw Sam today.  Goodness, I’ve missed him.  I have not seen him in close to 3 weeks.  I’m actually going to have to stop seeing him for a couple of months, but I still had a couple of sessions that I had already paid for.    So, I’m using them.  It’s amazing how quickly I lost all the endurance I had gained with him since June.  3 weeks off probably undid 60% of the strength and endurance I had gained in over 3 months.  I was still better today than I had been the very first time I saw him.  So, that’s good, but whew today was rough.  I had to stop and go to the bathroom because I thought I was going to vomit.    I actually had to stop twice.  Sam is not a believer in the Biggest Loser style of working out.  He doesn’t believe you should workout more than an hour and he doesn’t want you to be sick.    That is not the point of what he does.  So after the second time I was about to vomit we quit for the day.  This means I did not do the last 3 exercises (curl to press, dips, and v-ups) of the final round.  In all honesty, if Sam had said to finish I would have done it, but I was glad he said to stop.  Part of what I like about Sam’s workouts so much is that we rarely use machines.  This means when I am no longer seeing him I can still do a majority of things at home.  Today I would only need dumbbells (which I already have) for the curl to press.  Everything else used my body weight.  So, here’s what I did today.
50 Jumping Jacks
40 Squats
30 Modified Push Ups
40 Lunges
10 V-Ups
On a side note, I have taken my newest set of 6 week measurements, but I’ll post that on Tuesday after the WLB results go up for the week.  So, come back on Tuesday!
I discovered today's song during a Zumba class.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Just Do You

The Week 2 WLB Results are in.  I'm down 3 lbs in two weeks and that is good, but when I look at where I rank with the other ladies...I feel awful.   I keep having to make mental adjustments.  In the past I've really only looked at my own numbers and for the most part I am generally pleased with them.  So, when I see others posting huge numbers I think "crap!"  Then I realize that I have to just do me.  A loss is a loss is a loss, and I'm losing lbs and inches, so in the words on Charlie Sheen, "I'm WINNING." Sorry, I just couldn't help it lol!

I'm currently at work and I have the urge to go jogging, which I have not done in quite awhile, so that's exactly what I plan to do.  We have had a huge drop in temp though, so it might be pretty cold when I go.  It's supposed to be between 37 and 57 today.  I like cooler temps, but I don't like the 30s.  I've been thinking more and more about getting on a jogging schedule.  I consistently jogged about 2 years ago for 2 months and after the first 3 weeks or so I really enjoyed it.  Plus, I dropped weight. 

I'm really hoping this upcoming weigh in goes well.  I am 0.6 lbs away from a weight I have not seen in 2 years.  After that, I will be about 5 lbs away from a weight I have not seen in probably 7 years.  So, I have some pretty big scale milestones coming up and I'm excited. 

Also, WLB is having a giveaway right now.  So, stop by and enter.  Pure Pearls Giveaway

Beyonce - Get Me Bodied

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Its Amazing How Good it Feels...

to get back into things.

I guess I didn't do too much damage on Friday, because I still lost some weight this week.  I'm officially below where I was when I started gaining a couple of weeks ago, so that's great!

I've taken some time off and once I take days off, it's extremely hard for me to get back into things.  The longer I stay away, the harder it is to start back.  Yesterday, I decided I needed to do something, but I just HAD to watch football.  So, this is what I decided to do:
Leg Lifts
Push Ups
Jumping Jacks

I would do 2 for every 1st down, 3 for every field goal, and 7 for every touchdown.  I missed the 1st hour of the game.  What do you know we ended up beating Ole Miss 52-7.  So, even with missing the 1st hour I still ended up doing 71 of everything.  It was a nice workout and afterwards I felt great!  I went to work and ran the stairs for 5 minutes and I did 3 sets of 12 Calf Raises (I did them without stairs).  When I got off this morning I met with my sister and I did a total of 1 hour on the Wii.  We did Just Dance 2 and the Michael Jackson Experience.  I worked up a good sweat, had a great shower, and slept great!

Have you ever noticed that when you workout a shower feels soooo much better than a normal shower?  Maybe it's just me lol!

Anyway, here's the song for the day.  It's featured in Just Dance 2.  I couldn't decide whether I wanted to use the actual video or the Just Dance 2 routine, so I'm posting both.  The actual video is....different lol!  Enjoy and try the Just Dance 2 routine out if you have the time.  It's one of my favorites!
Junior Senior - Move Your Feet (Actual Video)

Junior Senior - Move Your Feet (Just Dance 2 Routine)
If you've never done a dancing game on Wii, pay attention to the figures on the bottom of the screen.  They give you a short heads up to what movement is coming up next.  Have a great day!

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I completely missed my 5k.  I went out last night with my sister and a friend I have not seen since July, so I overslept this morning.  The big picture for the 5k was the fundraising, so I at least accomplished that.  I'm a little disappointed I missed it.  On the other hand, I would not have traded the night with my sister and my friend for it.  I rarely get to see wither of them anymore, so for me it was worth it.  I'm planning to doing a 5k on my own at some point this week, just to kind of see how long it will take me to finish.  I'm also going to look at the calendar for my local track club to see what other 5ks are coming up and I'll sign up for one of them.

I have to weigh in tomorrow for WLB, and after eating (I did share them) cheese sticks, cheese fries, and drinking 4 alcoholic drinks last night I'm not so sure how that's going to go.  Other than that I've done pretty well this week with food.  I've had lots and lots of grilled chicken, baked fish, veggies, and water.

I'm still having problems with my chest being sore/burning when I do the slightest bit of exercise.  It's not a huge issue, but it's there.

Today I'm doing some ST (strength training) while watching football.  I'll be mixing in squats, leg lifts, push ups, and jumping jacks on commercials and when a team scores.  I have already started and I should have thought to keep track of it all, because I'm curious how many I will end up doing, but I didn't think of it until this moment.  I hope everyone is having a great Saturday!
Anastacia - I'm Outta Love

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just Rambling

I have not posted in awhile because I mostly post workout with Sam and I have not seen him in over a week.  I should go back towards the end of next week.  I miss him.  He has given me wonderful tools and I know I don't NEED or HAVE to have him, but I really do miss him.  I want to go back...soon!  He is just so great.  I wish all of you could have a Sam in your lives.  I don't know what I'm going to do when he leaves lol!

Win, Lose or Blog Week 1 Results are in.  be sure to join in on the mini-contest every Tuesday.  You will be eligible for prizes too!  I'm in 7th place (out of 8).  I did lose close to 2 lbs though, so I'm still pleased.  I knew coming into this that my average is 1-2 lbs per week.  So, I guess I'm right on track for my norm.  Plus, I had gained a couple of pounds the weeks before, so it's good to lose them.

On another note, I have a 5k this Saturday.  It's a Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure fundraiser.  I have not been training like I should, so I'm not too excited about this one.  I shold beat my time from the 1st 5k though (52 min).  I took off work this Friday night so I can get a decent night's sleep before race day.  Then again, I have friends coming in to town who I have not seen in awhile.  So, who knows what kind of sleep I will get.  We'll see, and you know I'll give a race report at some point over the weekend.

Another thing on my mind is the fact that I'll have another 6 week measurement session in about a week and a half.  At this moment, my weight is pretty much the same as it was 4 weeks ago.  So, I don't want to take measurements AT ALL.  On a good note, I still have close to two weeks to make a difference and I plan to make the most of it.  Gosh, I just have to do better.  I keep saying that and not following through, so I'm going to come up with some kind of reward system for myself.  I'm not sure if I want to use a a system that looks at my weight (like every 10 or 15 lbs) or if I want to use the measurements that I take every 6 weeks.  I think about it and let you know what I decide.  Suggestions are always welcome!  I'm not a fan of punishments, but I might decide on burpees for a punishment if I don't get all my water in for the day.

Taken from Reasons To Be Fit

I have no idea if I've posted this song before or not, but here you go
David Guetta, Chris Willis, and Fergie - Getting Over You

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Sabotage....why do I do it?

Since my last group of measurements I've been doing a pretty good job with my workouts and eating.  Slip ups here and there, but that's to be expected and I didn't have many.  All of that changed this past week.  I don't know what happened.  Anything I should not be eating...I eat.  You name and I think I have had it this past week...wings, fries, candy, chips, chicken nuggets.  The only thing I have not eaten that I wanted was a cheeseburger.  I had to throw out some chicken breast today, because I had completely forgotten I put it in my fridge to thaw 5 days ago.  Why did I forget?  I've been eating out so much that I really have not looked in my refrigerator.  Sad, I know, but it's the truth.  It's depressing to think about.  Normally, I would probably say it's in the past...move on.  I will move on and I do agree it's in the past, for I feel like I intentionally sabotaged myself.  SO, I feel like I need to evaluate what happened before I move on.

When I say intentional, I don't mean I said "Hey, I'm sick of eating better.  Let's eat crap and be happy!"  It's difficult to explain, but there were times when I really thought about what I was ordering and knew I shouldn't, but did anyway.  What do I think led to this?

1. This is my work rotation.  Everything is such much more difficult for me when I work, because my time is so limited.  During my work week I am sleep deprived and hungry, because I do not have the opportunity to get much sleep and I have even less time to eat.  This means I eat one (sometimes twice a day) when I work.  I literally sat at my house and cried Friday morning when I got off.  There was no real reason why, other than the fact that I was exhausted.  At the moment I think I had 3 hrs of sleep in over 2 days and I had eaten 1 meal and 1 Fiber One Bar.  I felt like I was having some sort of mental breakdown.  I'm not sure if it was the week catching up with me, or if it was the year catching up with me.  I've been operating like this for quite some time now.  It's overwhelming, but I should graduate in May and things will get easier then.

2. TOM is approaching.  I don't even need to explain this one.  Just know the cravings for salt and sugar are unreal.

3.  I'm uncomfortable with all the attention.  I don't feel like I've lost THAT much weight...close to 20 lbs since my heaviest of 249.  I honestly do not feel I look completely different either.  Well, regardless of what I think, people are noticing.  I'm getting comments about it and I'm getting hit on more often.  I'm not used to it and it makes me uncomfortable.  This might be another reason I am still wearing clothes that are too big for me.  I want to cover up.  This is the opposite of how I thought I would feel.  I'm just not used to the attention...that's all.

I really can't think of anything else.  I'm back on track today.  I'm getting it together.  Everything will be fine.  This was just a tough week.

I had to cancel with Sam Friday morning.  I was having chest pains when breathing.  The best way to describe for me is in terms of an asthma attack.  So, if you have asthma, you'll understand.  The day after having a bad asthma attack my chest of really sore.  This is how I felt Friday, like I had an attack the day before (but I didn't).  I'm still having issues with this off and on.  I have not gone to a doctor, and I'm not sure if I will or not.  This plus being sleep deprived...I just couldn't train.

This week no excuses.  I saw a great picture on another blog a couple of weeks ago.  The next time you are making excuses for not working out, think of this picture.

This will serve as my motivation this week to get back on track.

Sorry if this blog was slightly depressing lol!  Here's something to lift your spirits

Monday, October 3, 2011

Win, Lose, or Blog Post and Info marks the first day of the competition and I'm so excited.  My blog page is up and running here's the link to Briana's WLB Blog.  When I post there I'll try to post here too.  Some things won't really be relevant, so I may cut and paste items.  I'll definitely keep my Sam workouts here for my special anonymous commentor. I know how you like to know specifically what Sam and I did lol!  Here's my first WLB post.  If you have been following this page, then you already know most of this introductory info.

OH WAIT.....before that post.  I just came from a visit with Sam.  I'm having some breathing issues, so we took it easy.
15 Push Ups
20 Walking Lunges
20 Step-Ups
15 Leg Lifts
10 Lat Pulldowns
15 Walk Outs
5 Burpees (You know I was honestly sick if Sam only made me do 3 rounds of 5 burpees lol!)
12 In and Outs

3 rounds of this took me an hour.  It normally would not have taken so long, but he gave me tons of rest breaks in order to get my breathing under control.  We also chatted about me hitting a plateau.  I've been at a standstill for a little bit.  He said it's normal, but be happy that I'm still getting smaller even though the scale is not budging.


Hi everyone!  This is my first post for Win, Lose, or Blog and I am SO excited to be here!  If you have not already read my short bio I am 29 and I stay busy.  I've been attempting to lose weight since June with a trainer (Sam).  I blog more about my trainer here.  So far I've been doing an alright job, but I know I can do better.  On average I lose about 1 lb per week.  I know 1-2 lbs a week is what many people recommend, but I want more.  Well, if I want more I have to put in more work.  I have to work hard and eat clean.  I am not a believer in starving.  I think the most successful people with weight loss have done it the old fashioned way...exercise and portion control.

My downfall most of the time is what I eat.  I work long shifts and I also attend school full time.  My time is limited, I don't get enough sleep, and it is always so much easier to grab fast food than it is for me to actually prepare something healthy.  Plus, I'm completely addicted to salt and sugar.  I have slowly started to try and incorporate healthier foods into my diet though.  I bought a few Mrs. Dash seasonings to try and curb the salt.  I honestly had no idea there were so many salt free seasoning choices.  I also had no idea I would really like them.  Since trying new foods I have discovered that I really like hummus and pita bread, asparagus, and grilled chicken seasoned with a Mrs. Dash blend.

Another downfall of mine is cardio.  I HATE it!  I don't mind lifting weights at all.  I actually really love strength training.  Cardio is what I can't stand.  I don't like being out of breath.  I just don't enjoy it at all.  I know I have to do it though.  I'll never melt the fat away if I don't do cardio.  I think the trick is finding cardio that I enjoy.  For the most part, that is Zumba.  I also jog and use the elliptical.  Jogging is another story in itself.  Jogging and I have a love/hate relationship.  While I'm doing it, I hate it.  Once I'm done, I love it and want to jog again.  It's strange.  I'm signed up for a 5k on Oct. 15.  I will not be able to jog it all, but I'm still excited to participate.

My motivation comes and goes.  Some weeks I am all pumped up and I do everything almost perfectly.  Then there are times when I just don't feel like doing anything at all.  That's one reason I was so interested in Win, Lose or Blog.  It is another way to keep me accountable.  I'm hoping to have lost 10 lbs at the end of this 7 weeks.  That will put me around 223, which is the smallest I have been in many years.  I know it's technically a competition, but I don't feel like it really is.  By that I mean, this is such a wonderfully, supportive community of people who are all here for encouragement, support, and motivation.  I sincerely hope everyone does well. 

I always end my blogs with a song (normally from my workout playlist).  I've used this one on my main blog before.  I really love it.  Many times it is my go to song when I jog.
Janet Jackson - Make Me